Thursday, April 29, 2010

Move is over

Well we are in our new house. Things are going pretty good. You are adapting well to the new house and the new rules we now have set.

Today was your last day at your school/therapy center. I just wanted to write down a few emotions so that we never forget.

I was not there to pick you up from school. Tyler had a meeting at his school that I had to be at. So grandma came instead to pick you up. I am glad I did not go. This has been very emotional for me. This is the first place you came when we first found out about your autism. This is where you were through everything you have been through. You have grown so much in the past 2 1/2 years. I think leaving your school was the hardest on you and me! Grandma told me that when you were saying goodbye you started to cry. I am sorry for doing this to you. I know you are going to miss your friends and your teachers but I promise you will see them again! You have been so sad at home. Every hour or so you just take a few min and sit and think. And I can tell you get a little sad. We were talking about good memories that you had in school earlier today and you started to cry again. But I know that you will do better tomorrow. We have a new journey ahead of us and I am excited and scared at the same time.

You got such great things on your last day of school. You got a new back pack and lunch box!! You were so happy about that. You will use it every day and think of your teachers when you use it. I know it will be very special to you. You also got a really cool bat and ball. There were some markers and crayons and some coloring books that will help get you through the long summer. Also there were some very sweet cards written by the boys in your class. Those are something that you will always keep im sure.

Love ya,


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On the move...again!

Well we have stayed in our house for 4 years now...and its time to move on. We are moving at the end of April. But we arent moving to somewhere strange. We are moving into your Uncle Trent and Aunt Jackies house. They moved into a much bigger house and said that we could move into their house if we wanted to. So we jumped on that opportunity to move to Phoenix.

This move is a good and bad thing. Good, because we will get to have a change of everything. New house, new city, new attractions, and new people to be around. But bad because you have to leave everything you know. You have to leave your school, you have to leave your therapy center, you have to leave your friends at school, and you have to leave being by your grandma all the time. But thats ok because we will all learn to adapt to new things.

You will have a new school! Its going to be so much fun for you. You get to make new friends and have new teachers. You will be going to a real school just like you always ask me to go to. But you will still get the help that you need and the help that you want. You have teachers that care for you and want the best for you so we will make sure you have everything that you need at this new school.

You will also go to a new therapy center. Thats going to be fun because you get to meet new therapists. You always love getting a new therapist so this should be fun for you. We will miss all of your therapists you have right now so much. I know its going to be hard for you to leave them. But just remember that they still care about you as much as you care about them.

Dont worry about this change buddy. I promise its going to be a good one.

Love ya,


Your birthday!! Aug '09

Happy birthday buddy. Today you are 7 years old. I cant believe you are this big already! Time has really flown by. You are getting smarter and smarter every day. You are learning so much and I cant believe how much you have grown over the years. Both physically and mentally. You are such a tough little boy and we are so proud of you for it.

This year for your birthday was a fun one. And I hope its something you will always remember. We went to California and we took you and Tyler to Disney Land. It was you boys first time. It was also daddy's first time going there as well. So it was a fun experience for all 3 of you. And of course it was fun for me too!! I cant wait to go back again because you had so much fun. Because you have autism its hard for you to stand and wait in lines. So at Disney Land they have a pass where you don't have to wait behind a lot of people to get on the rides. It made things so much better. We didn't have to wait behind people and we didn't even have to wait long for many rides. That way we were able to do a lot more. Your favorite rides were the scary ones. We went on a little roller coaster and you loved that one. You also loved the haunted mansion. That one scared you quite a bit but you still loved it.

We love you so much and cant wait for your next birthday and whats to come in the next year!!

