Friday, September 2, 2011

ANOTHER hospital visit!!

A few weeks ago we had ANOTHER hospital visit. This is your 4th one since last september. This time they did not do any extra tests. It was just a clean out. But it took a whole lot longer than every other time. We were there for 4 days!!! It was long and you hated it, but you got all nice and cleaned out and we were happy to be out of there. This time the doctors want to test your muscles and see if there is a lack of muscle strength in your colon. Hopefully these tests go good and it shows that there is something that they can fix so that we dont go to the hospital anymore. I know that you really hate going to the hospital, and I just want to find what is wrong so we dont have to do this anymore.

You are such a strong little kid. You have gone through so much and I really admire you and the way that you handle everything. You have been to the hospital, have more doctors, more surgeries and procedures, than most adults have done!! I love you son! Keep up being strong.

Love Mommy

You are 9!!

Happy Birthday Jacob! I cant believe that you are the big 9 now!!! I know I am not writing this on your birthday...but I have been sick. Yuck! So this is the soonest I could write and feel good.

Your birthday this year was lots of fun but very simple. Your birthday was on a Sunday this year so we had Grandma and Grandad come over for a BBQ and cake and ice cream. Daddy BBQ'd steak and chicken and I made home made ice cream (cookies n cream) and we had a cake from costco. You got such great gifts this time. Grandma was very generous and she got you a keyboard!! Your very first! You LOVE it!! You play it all the time and you really have a ear for music. You are good with hearing songs and being able to play them right away. I cant wait until you are older and see what you do with that gift.

Daddy and I got you a PS2 and a bunch of games to go with it. You love it so much. Its all yours and so you get to play it any time you want!! You sure do love your video games.

I love you so much. It has been a pleasure to be your mommy for the past 9 years. You are such a great kid and I am glad that I am your mom. You are such a special boy and you make me happy every single day. I cant wait until your next birthday. Next year you are going to be 10!! WOW double digits. Maybe I CAN wait until your next birthday. You are growing up way to fast.

Love you buddy.

Love Mommy!