Saturday, May 26, 2012

Trying new things...

Once we moved back to Gilbert things started looking up for you. So we figured we would try putting you back into public school. I thought I was going to have to get a job and so the decision came easy. We knew that was what needed to happen. Well it turns out I didnt get the job I thought I was going to get, and so there was no need to put you back into public school. But we felt like we should keep you there. And we are glad we did. It was a great year for you. You learned and had a great time with your classmates. However, it was hard for you to keep up with your peers. You had a full time aide who would help you with anything you needed help with. And it was really good for you. Your grades showed good progress in most subjects. There were some other places you still need a lot of help with. But that's ok, it will come around. You were able to do book reports every month. You did a fun one when you had to do a biography of someone. You picked John Lennon. You dressed up as him and you presented to the class as him. And people were supposed to guess who it was. And no one knew who you were! You did such a great job. Another one was you had to demonstrate a skill that you know how to do. You picked playing twinkle twinkle little star on your keyboard. Your aide said that you did a great job! You didn't need help from anyone!! You were a super star playing your song and showing people how you played it. You sure have come a long way. Another good memory from school is your Greece party! You got to try different foods from Greece and you got to play games and learn a lot of facts. Most of which you already knew. You were supposed to wear a toga but I could not get you to wear one...haha. Well due to your health issues and many other factors, we can not keep you in public school. So once again we are putting you in AZVA where you do great. You are so excited and I know that you will do good. Love you buddy. Mommy

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