Monday, September 10, 2012

You are 10!!!

Ohh Jake- I can not believe you are the big 1-0!!! 10 is such a big age! I am so proud of you and the things you have done with these first 10 years. They sure have been a tough one but you are such a superstar dealing with everything that life brings to you. Your birthday this year was a little rough. We were in the hospital for most of the day. But a little begging made it so that we got to leave at dinner time and go have a good birthday dinner! Here are 10 things I love about you! 1. I love how much you love music. Its so much fun to play name that tune with you and hear you sing. You are such a good singer and you are so good at remembering lyrics. 2. You are so brave! You go through so much and you rarely complain. You make things look easy because you go through them like nothing! 3. You are sooo tall!! You are already 5 ft!! You are going to pass me up in the next year...I just know it! 4. I love when you give me hugs. Its not very often I get a hug from you, but when I do...they are the best! 5. You are so smart. Being your "teacher" I get to see just how smart you really are. I love being able to see your face light up when you figure out something new. 6. You are a dish washing maniac! I think you are the only child that LOVES to wash the dishes. You practically beg me to let you wash the dishes. 7. You are such a friendly kid. You are always saying hi and how are you to everyone we see. 8. You are always so happy. No matter what is going on, you have a smile on your face or you are laughing away. I love seeing your big smile!! 9. I love that you can out eat me! You have a big appetite on your small little body. You can eat just about anything that is put in front of you. You already have a teenage boy appetite. 10. And I love that you are MINE!! I couldn't ask for a better Jacob! You sure do bring my life joy, and I am so glad that I was chosen to be YOUR mom!! Love you, Mom!

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